Print badges with Summit Host This is how Summit Host works
Use one of the online registration forms in our system. Or let us create a new form.
Use Summit Host for rapid registration and badging at your corporate event location.
Use Summit Scan to scan who is attending your event and who is participating in sessions
Use Summit Dashboard for a (real-time) overview of all people registered and attendees.
We incorporate all data obtained through registration and scanning in a clear dashboard. This allows you to conduct data analyses and plan follow-up steps immediately after your conference. Our system:
Summit can add features to your system. Sometimes we develop them especially for you, sometimes we've already developed them for another organisation.
For example, a customer once asked us for a 'reception function'. An employee now receives a digital signal (email and/or text message) when his/her visitor receives their badge at the reception desk.
Go from scan to personalised badge within 7 seconds. No stress about queues. Plenty of attention to your visitor.
Control your Summit Host with Summit Desk: our stable, internationally proven software for scanning and badging.
Is your internet out of service? If so, you can continue to scan and badge: every Summit Host has an internal 4G connection.